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Commercial Batteries

Our Products

We stock only the best brands and we make sure none of the items on our shelves are older than three months.

Commercial Batteries


Capital Batteries brings forward top-notch and heavy-duty commercial batteries that hold adequate power to support heavy commercial vehicles like trucks and buses. Before buying a commercial battery for your truck, you must know that commercial batteries are different from automotive batteries. They are made of thicker plates as they don't only need to power the starting system of a commercial vehicle but also provide energy to other electrical components.
That is why you need to make an informed choice when buying commercial batteries, to make sure that they are durable enough for extended use. However, there's no need to worry about commercial batteries' reliability or quality when purchasing at Capital Batteries. Our commercial batteries comprise some exemplary features mentioned below:

  • Proven reliability and corrosion resistance
  • Ability to tolerate extreme weather conditions, severe temperatures, and rugged terrains.
  • Longer life, durability, and dependability.
  • Proficiency in extended use

Apart from the exemplary features, our company and expert team has also managed to bring diversity to the technology of our batteries. The three main categories of our commercial batteries are:

  • Lead-Acid batteries
  • Sealed maintenance-free batteries
  • Spiral cell batteries

Each category withholds unique features and benefits, allowing us to cater to the individual requirements of our customers.

Added Features

  • Our commercial batteries come with two variants of working voltages, i.e., 6V and 12V. 
  • When it comes to the brands of our commercial batteries, we are proud to say that you'll find leading and world-recognized brands at Capital Batteries like Enertec, Energizer, Duracell, Atlas Batteries, and so on.
  • Our commercial batteries have the capacity of Ampere Hours (Ah) ranging from as low as 105Ah to as high as 200Ah.

Ultimately, the diversity in the types, technologies, features, and brands of our commercial batteries provides you with an impeccable opportunity to choose the one that fits your commercial vehicle’s requirements.

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