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Generator Batteries

Our Products

We stock only the best brands and we make sure none of the items on our shelves are older than three months.



The most vital component of a generator is its batteries. If the batteries are not working properly, your generator will stop working right away. That's why it's crucial to keenly observe a generator battery's features, modifications, and accessibilities to ensure that you opt for the right one. Our generator batteries comprise of two main modifications:

Sealed Maintenance Free battery

As the name suggests, these batteries will save you from the hassle of any kind of maintenance issues because they don't come along with the risk of leaking electrolyte fluids. One of the most significant benefits of these generator batteries is that they are rechargeable. For safety protocols, our sealed, maintenance-free batteries come with tapered terminals with a layout of the positive left hand.

AGM Spiral Cell battery

The advanced technological interface of this modification allows it to cope with the high electrical demands of generators. The added diversity with spiral cell technology outperforms conventional batteries through minimum internal resistance and leakproof interface. These batteries also come with tapered terminals but with a layout of the positive right hand. 

Added Features

  • All of our generator batteries support a voltage capacity of 6V and 12V with Ampere hours ranging from as low as 55Ah to as high as 190Ah. 
  • Enertec and Optima are the top brands for our generator batteries that are unparalleled in their quality and reliability.
  • When it comes to dimensions, we made sure to come forward with different variations so that you can opt for the perfect fit. For sealed maintenance-free batteries, the typical dimensions for length are 50-55 cm and for width are 20-25 cm. However, spiral cell batteries have dimensions ranging from 250-260 mm in length and 200mm in height.

You can not only get your hands on brand-new generator batteries, but you can also get your batteries tested, fitted, and replaced by the expert team of Capital Batteries.

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